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Our Programs

TCM Acupuncture Diploma

This program is designed to accommodate the knowledge requirements for registration in Ontario, to help students establish a solid foundation for their career as competent professional acupuncturists, to improve operational skills in future clinical practice, and to guide students to pass the Pan-Canadian Examinations.

Full-Time: 2 years

Part-Time: up to 4 years

Total Hours: 2152

Theoretical Hours: 1356

Practical Hours: 248

Clinical Hours: 548

Total Diploma Tuition: $18,000

Chinese Medicine Herbs

TCM Diploma

This program is designed to accommodate the knowledge requirements for registration in Ontario, to help students establish a solid foundation for their career as competent professional TCM practitioners, to improve operational skills in future clinical practice, and to guide students to pass the Pan-Canadian Examinations.

Full-Time: 3 years
Part-Time: up to 5 years
Total Hours: 2646
Theoretical Hours: 1798
Practical Hours: 288
Clinical Hours: 560
Total Diploma Tuition: $27,000

R.Ac to R.TCMP Diploma

For Registered Acupuncturists wishing to bridge into TCM; this program, in addition to closing the knowledge gap, is designed to accommodate the knowledge requirements for registration in Ontario, to help students establish a solid foundation for their career as competent professional TCM practitioners, to improve operational skills in future clinical practice, and to guide students to pass the Pan-Canadian Examinations.


Course list is case-dependent; contact us to determine your course list.

Years: 1.5-2
Classroom Hours: Case-specific
Clinical Hours: 300
Total Diploma Tuition: $14,000

Traditional Chinese Medicine

RMT/PT/D.C Acupuncture Certificate

Full-Time: TBA
Part-Time: TBA
Classroom hours: 252
Practical and Clinical hours: 48
Tuition: $3,500

This program is CMTO approved and may be used by members of other Regulatory Colleges to add Acupuncture as an additional modality to one's existing repertoire.

Additional Courses/Programs

The following additional programs and courses are also available:

  • R.TCMP Advanced Study Program

  • RMT Continuing Education Units

  • Intensified Preparation Class for the Pan-Canadian Examinations

  • FREE annual professional development seminar for R.Ac and R.TCMP

  • Hands-on practice sessions and workshops

  • TCM Classical Literature Study in Chinese

  • Introductory and Advanced Tai Chi Class (summer only)

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